We enable investors and corporates to finance high-integrity projects and jurisdictional programs by deploying proprietary due diligence, financial structuring and risk management tools to build nature-based investment portfolios with risk-adjusted returns and significant SDG benefits.
What we do for Investors:
We pre-screen projects to determine eligibility against leading market standards and provide preliminary high-level carbon estimates in order to present a portfolio of project opportunities to investors.
We have a diverse pipeline of NbS project opportunities across a variety of project types (REDD+, ARR, WRC) but can originate additional projects based on specific criteria.
We leverage our proprietary risk management tools to identify project risks and mitigants across various categories, including technical, market, financial, legal, reputational, project execution, and delivery.
As the “architect of the deal,” we present packaged deals to investors that highlight these risks and mitigants through extensive project due diligence.
Together with our hub partners, we support project design and execution to optimize returns across the landscape. These returns encompass carbon, biodiversity, and community benefits, in addition to financial gains.
We collaborate with project developer partners to formulate implementation work plans and budgets. Additionally, we develop financial models to assess whether projects align with predetermined investor metrics such as Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and others.
Once a project’s risks and benefits are thoroughly understood, we form project specific Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs), ringfencing cashflows and assets for investors while ensuring a governance structure that safeguards appropriate benefit participation mechanisms.
SPV structuring from the outset of a project paves the way for procuring debt finance at a later stage in the project’s development from commercial banks or other, specialist financiers.
Should investors require it, we offer on-the-ground presence to train and enhance the capabilities of the local team in financial and project management. This support occurs before finalizing financing and is maintained periodically throughout the project execution.
The future of high-integrity environmental assets has arrived. Curious?
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